Arbitary Precision Integers

Arbitrary Precision Integers in Python discussed in this OCW from MIT interested me.

According to wikipedia it says "arbitrary-precision arithmetic indicates that calculations are performed on numbers whose digits of precision are limited only by the available memory of the host system."

This got me thinking... Would it be able to be calculate a very large number to a very high precision using a lot of memory?

I am sure you can. This gets me thinking, is it worth it to use memory space that much to get "That" precise?

In normal life, you don't really deal with "1.1111111145417cm" or something like that. usually, 1.111cm is precise enough to suit your needs.


That doesn't stop me from using memory space to calculate numbers precisely. In fact I want to use this to make ranking system that uses this advantage. For example, I want to make a ranking system that will enable one variable to change very little, almost negligible amount in the normal life world, but that makes this difference a REAL difference in the ranking. 

This gets me thinking on how I make the ranking have difference between all the number sets. 


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