Around Kanagawa and Tokyo. Present Day...


Skies are clear, autumn way...
Feelings of fear is among the citizens, but that is a normal thing for us humans.

Hopes are high for a new wind or change as one might call it.
In this modern age of computation and supercomputer at the palm of your hands, we are living in an unnoticed singularity. It's not just a name of a Playstation 3 game anymore.

People are looking quite tired, everywhere there are people with bags under their eyes.

Since there are people with immense riches due to the recent cryptocurrency boom, the inequality between people is great.

Many say they are happy. Are they really happy? Isn't that a "fake happiness" like "fake news" that is all over the Western news?

People are beginning to become slowly dumb using their "smart" phones. Isn't that such an irony. People were navigating with stars in the seas once. Do we really need a GPS or GLONASS?

Silly me. I will finish here.


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