Late Night Studying

Hi guys. It's been a while since I actually wrote some post here.
So, It's 23:39PM in Kanagawa tonight, it's kinda late in the night (almost midnight lol). I am studying the Coursera's Cisco course, going to be studying network security.
Weather today was pretty good, but became a little cloudy afterwards.
I'm going to be leveling up my network security skills for the home office and servers. It's always fun to do these things. I also finished the picoCTF Competition for 2024, I didn't do "well", but I could indeed improve my abilities since the last time I did it. I should also try reverse engineering stuff in ARM etc. too, I think.
I think I will be selling my Core i9 machine with 32GB somewhere. Or I can make it a mining machine, but I highly doubt it will make any profit. It cost around 300,000+ JPY back in the days (about 2017 I think), so yeah... Got to recover some cash. :)
Well all for now.


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